The 20kg industrial dryer, what temperature do you need to dry?

The 20kg industrial dryer, what temperature do you need to dry? When talking about 20kg dryers used in industrial form, we will learn about some 200oc and 300oc high temperature dryer models from Mactech to be able to choose a 20kg industrial dryer that meets the right requirements. bridge. With equipment like this, you can use it both in industry and in civil use when you...

Industrial dryers and hot air dryers, differences and applications in fact

Industrial dryers and hot air dryers, differences and applications in fact Why do we need to distinguish between industrial dryers and residential dryers when choosing a dryer to use, ensuring it meets product drying requirements? Because it is also a way for manufacturers to understand the overview of drying equipment currently on the market today, and once you have a clear understanding, dividing group names like...

The 6 sensors Heat dryer or 4 temperature sensors, uniform heat control

The 6 sensors Heat dryer or 4 temperature sensors, uniform heat control The circulating convection dryer with increasingly superior improvements that Mactech is applying to its drying equipment will help dryer users achieve higher quality, uniform drying results. In this content, we will learn the basics of the principle of using multiple heat sensors on the dryer, specifically with the 6 sensors heat dryer as shown in...

The 200 degree high heat dryer, manufactured on request of customer

The 200 degree high heat dryer, manufactured on request of customer Many types of small industrial dryers have now been produced to meet the great demand on the market today. In civil production, small scale, private production sector… a lot of high temperature dryer equipment is needed with a wide drying temperature range from 35oC to 200oC or up to 300oC. In this content, we will...

Many sensors Component dryer, drying temperature 200 – 300 degrees

Many sensors Component dryer, drying temperature 200 – 300 degrees You need a model of component dryer, component drying cabinet with the ability to control heat through many sensors located at different locations in the drying chamber, so please refer to some of our multi-sensor component dryer models. Mactech brand, drying temperature range 35 – 300oC, limits maximum and min drying temperature fluctuations in the...

The 3 sensors Component dryer, 35~ 160 degrees C, MSD1500-160XD

The 3 sensors Component dryer, 35~ 160 degrees C, MSD1500-160XD This is a dryer model manufactured according to the customer’s specific order, THERM-X SYSTEM VIETNAM COMPANY, used to dry plated products at high temperatures. Large dryer, 1 chamber, uses a controller with 3 thermal sensors to control the temperature at locations in the drying chamber. If you require a similar dryer, please refer to the...

The 200 liter component drying cabinet, temp of 100 – 200 or 300 degrees

The 200 liter component drying cabinet, temp of 100 – 200 or 300 degrees Component dryers or component drying cabinets used in industrial production fields are indispensable equipment because many components and raw materials must be dried after cleaning, before storage or heat treatment. for materials. However, this device has many sizes, drying temperature ranges and design styles, so you need to provide some specific information for us to...

The 20kg cereal grain dryer, suitable for small scale grain production

The 20kg cereal grain dryer, suitable for small scale grain production You need to dry cereals with common products such as cereal flour, mixed cereals, granola or individual nut products such as macadamia nuts, cashews, almonds… and use it on a production scale. For small production, please refer to Mactech’s 20kg cereal grain dryer for more suitable options and more information on how to dry grain...

The 100 liter component drying cabinet, temp 100 – 200 – 300 degrees

The 100 liter component drying cabinet, temp 100 – 200 – 300 degrees When you need to use a component dryer model, a component drying cabinet with multi-function control and drying of a variety of products, used on a small scale, with little drying, then please refer to the 100 liter component drying cabinet model of MactechDryer. This is a popular and modern industrial drying equipment, the cost...

The 500 liter parts drying cabinet, temp 100 ~ 300 degrees, industrial use

The 500 liter parts drying cabinet, temp 100 ~ 300 degrees, industrial use With the requirement to dry many industrial components and continuous drying at high temperatures, you can choose a 500 liter parts drying cabinet with an internal size equivalent to 58x65x90cm and use 10 drying trays measuring 56x63cm. Or you can order production with specific requirements from the desired size, effective drying temperature range, control features…...

Smoked meat dryer, produces many high quality dried meats

Smoked meat dryer, produces many high quality dried meats You want to start a business in the field of manufacturing and trading dried meat products, want to change new ways of doing things, or more precisely, apply modern machinery to produce handmade products such as smoked beef, Buffalo guards the kitchen. Of course, each method will have its own advantages and disadvantages, depending on...

How to dry smoked beef with a dryer, choose quick and clean drying

How to dry smoked beef with a dryer, choose quick and clean drying Smoked beef and smoked buffalo products have become specialties and are very popular when drinking beer and drinking alcohol, so the market for this dried meat product is always open to craft production establishments that need expansion investment or new people wanting to enter the profession. Although they are regional specialties, these products still need...

High heat dryer MSD2000-160 2 Trolleys, 2 Drying chambers, 6 sensors

High heat dryer MSD2000-160 2 Trolleys, 2 Drying chambers, 6 sensors With the same dryer model, customers can order production with their own options to suit the dried products in actual production. MactechVN dryer company has provided many types of industrial dryers with diverse, different and unique designs for each user unit, below is the high heat dryer MSD2000-160 2 trolleys and 2 independent drying chambers....

1000 liter part drying cabinet, temp 100 ~ 300 degrees, use in industrial

1000 liter part drying cabinet, temp 100 ~ 300 degrees, use in industrial The 1000 liter part drying cabinet may be a large piece of equipment for private manufacturing facilities, but it is quite a small device when used in industrial, such as LS Viet Electric Cable and System Company Viet Nam is currently using some of 1000 liter component drying cabinets from Mactech to arrange in plating...

Plastic pellet dryer, drying for industrial materials, temp 35 – 160 degrees

Plastic pellet dryer, drying for industrial materials, temp 35 – 160 degrees To dry plastic pellets as shown below, you can use many types of dryers with different drying principles, such as drying tray in a circulating convection drying chamber, vertical drying machine, or rotary drum drying. …In small production facilities with molded plastic products, most currently use plastic pellet dryers with circulating convective heat drying, which...

300 degree celsius dryer, suitable for drying many types of material

300 degree celsius dryer, suitable for drying many types of material You need to use the 300 degree celsius dryers and the same drying device of 300 degrees Celsius, which is a drying temperature range of 40 ~ 300oc, Mactech can provide many types of the modern and suitable drying equipment with many control features or meet new features according to specific usage requirements. Some of...

250 degree celsius dryer, drying temperature range of 35 ~ 250 degree

250 degree celsius dryer, drying temperature range of 35 ~ 250 degree A dryer model at 250oc or 300oc with different sizes, different usage requirements, different features, different types of drying trays…You can be completely satisfied when Learn about Mactech’s dryer of high-temperature dryers. In this content, we will refer to some small sized 200-degree celsius and 250 degree celsius dryer. The image above is a model...

Granola cereal dryer, drying for grain, bean, nut and granola product

Granola cereal dryer, drying for grain, bean, nut and granola product Granola cereal product is a type of cereal product made from today’s popular cereal grains combined with honey ingredients to create a new, more delicious, eye-catching and also bring more effects. In this topic, we will learn about granola cereal dryers suitable for small and medium business production. This is one of the new products...

Small cereal grain dryer, suitable for drying about 10 – 20kg

Small cereal grain dryer, suitable for drying about 10 – 20kg With the convenience of mini grain dryers, which are sold a lot on the market today, anyone can become a small establishment for the production of instant cereals, cereals powder, granola cereals or any other product from all types of cereal grains. Therefore, if you have an idea or plan to produce and trade this...

300 degree celsius industrial dryer, you can choose suitable dryer

300 degree celsius industrial dryer, you can choose suitable dryer With a drying temperature range of 35 ~ 300oC, you can dry or heat treatment for many products, and many purposes, so you need to dry components at a specific temperature, please Select a high-temperature dryer with a suitable temperature range. In this topic, we will learn about a 300 degree Celsius industrial dryer to...

Hot air parts dryer, learn about some the small scale high temp dryer

Hot air parts dryer, learn about some the small scale high temp dryer When it comes to mini-component dryers or hot air parts dryer, we often think of small-sized dryers with high temperatures, but how small depends on each group of drying equipment. Because the higher the drying temperature, the thicker the wall thickness, along with that the overall size changes a lot when related to the fan...

200 degree celsius component dryer, used in industrial fields

200 degree celsius component dryer, used in industrial fields With an increasingly diverse selection, customers can easily find 200 degree Celsius component dryer or high-temperature dryers with different sizes, suitable for the actual needs of customers. Currently, Mactech has provided a variety of component drying cabinets to customers across the country. You can choose from available machines or we produce to order, according to...

High Temperature dryer Controller, temp 35 – 300oC, many drying stages

High Temperature dryer Controller, temp 35 – 300oC, many drying stages For drying products in industrial fields and some drying products in civil, it will require a high temperature controller with many suitable features, typically multi-stage drying mode with different temperatures and times. In this topic we will learn about the high temperature dryer controller with a common drying temperature range of 35 – 300oc (degrees...

160 degree celsius component dryer, learn about many the different dryer

160 degree celsius component dryer, learn about many the different dryer In the group of high-temperature dryers of Mactech, the group of dryers with the drying temperature range of 35~160oC is most commonly used, both in civil and industrial applications, and the higher-temperature dryers are often used in industrial applications. So, depending on the needs of the customer, we will advise the most suitable dryer to...

Cereal drying machine, drying many cereal grains, beans and nuts

Cereal drying machine, drying many cereal grains, beans and nuts Cereal grains, beans, nuts or cereal flour are sold a lot in supermarkets, we can easily buy these products in the market. According to the statistics of Mactech Dryer, customers buy a lot of small dryers, of which up to 1/3 are used to make many types of instant cereal food such as cereal grains,...

100 degree celsius component dryer, suitable for drying common product

100 degree celsius component dryer, suitable for drying common product If you only need to dry components and materials at a low temperature, up to 100oc, then choose the hot air dryer and have an additional choice of 304 stainless steel machine with material inside. Because for low-temperature drying equipment, Mactech usually produces standard products with both the inner and outer surfaces of heat-resistant powder-coated...

MSD3000-200 industrial dryer, high temperature 35 ~ 200 degree celsius

MSD3000-200 industrial dryer, high temperature 35 ~ 200 degree celsius You need to use a dryer model consisting of 2 drying chambers that can operate independently with different parameters and a drying temperature as high as 200 degrees Celsius for use in both civil and industrial applications. So, please refer to the MSD3000-200 industrial dryer with the ability to dry 200~300kg of materials at a...

MSD2000-200 industrial dryer, high temperature 35 ~ 200 degree celsius

MSD2000-200 industrial dryer, high temperature 35 ~ 200 degree celsius MSD2000-200 industrial dryer with 2 independent controlled drying chambers will help users to dry products with many modes and flexible usage such as using 2 identical chambers, using 2 drying chambers with different parameters or use only 1 of 2 chambers. This dryer is very suitable for use in industrial companies that meet the drying...

MSD1000-300 industrial dryer, high temperature 35 ~ 300 degree celsius

MSD1000-300 industrial dryer, high temperature 35 ~ 300 degree celsius In addition to the 200oc (degree Celsius) dryer models, Mactech Dryer also provide many 300oc dryer models with different sizes at the homepage of this website, Customers can also order that base on demand with the suitable size and user’s requirements, and add the necessary control features. Let’s learn about parameters of the MSD1000-300 industrial...

MSD1000-200 industrial dryer, high temperature 35 ~ 200 degree celsius

MSD1000-200 industrial dryer, high temperature 35 ~ 200 degree celsius The demand for electronic parts dryers is increasing in industrial fields, so Mactech has provided a lot of industrial dryer models and customized dryers for customers with specific features to make suitable for many requirements in fact. You can learn more on the homepage of this website at the Industrial dryer section to choose the...

MSD500-300 industrial dryer, high temperature 35 ~ 300 degree celsius

MSD500-300 industrial dryer, high temperature 35 ~ 300 degree celsius One more model of the 300oc industrial dryer with moderate size, and can meet the needs of industrial companies, product research with a multi-tasking drying process, many features, and automatically multi-stage drying method. Customers can refer to the MSD500-300 industrial dryer or order with the suitable requirements, please contact Mactech directly for quick support. You...

MSD500-200 industrial dryer, high temperature 35 ~ 200 degree celsius

MSD500-200 industrial dryer, high temperature 35 ~ 200 degree celsius This is one of Mactech’s high-temperature dryer models, which is also used a lot today in industrial factories and also used in civil applications for basic products such as the crispy drying of cereal grains. With a drying temperature range up to 200oc is also not too high, so the applications of this machine will...

MSD200-300 industrial dryer, high temperature 35 ~ 300 degree celsius

MSD200-300 industrial dryer, high temperature 35 ~ 300 degree celsius A small industrial dryer model with a drying chamber volume of about 200 liters (dm3) includes 6 drying trays, tray size 38x60x2cm, drying temperature range of 35 ~ 300oc (degrees Celsius), circulating hot wind in chamber, automatic multi-stage drying control program … can be very suitable for the needs of small-scale industrial companies. This is...

MSD200-200 industrial dryer, high temperature 35 ~ 200 degree celsius

MSD200-200 industrial dryer, high temperature 35 ~ 200 degree celsius Customers need to use a 200oc high-temperature dryer with a drying chamber volume of about 100 liters, 200 liters, 500 liters or larger from 1 m3 to 5 m3, Mactech Dryer now offers many models of high-temperature dryers 160oc, 200oc and 300oc for civil and industrial applications. Customers who need the reference information for each...

MSD100-200 industrial dryer, high temperature 35 ~ 200 degree celsius

MSD100-200 industrial dryer, high temperature 35 ~ 200 degree celsius The 200oc high-temperature dryer is mainly used in industrial fields, because the industrial components or materials used in industry can need to dry in production, such as silicon, paints, plastics, circuitry, industrial tools, mica, and very many other materials…In this topic, MactechDryer will introduce to customers a MSD100-200oC industrial dryer to choose from. You can...

Electronic component dryer, drying for industrial part and materials

Electronic component dryer, drying for industrial part and materials In many fields of industrial production today, it is indispensable for specialized drying equipment, the electronic component dryer is one of them. Many components need to be dried during manufacturing, processing, or regeneration such as electronic components, circuit boards, transformers, paint parts, mica material, rubber, and plastic… so use a suitable dryer to ensure High...

High temperature dryer, circulating hot air drying machine, use industrial

High temperature dryer, circulating hot air drying machine, use industrial The 200 degrees Celsius high temperature dryer, also known as high-temperature cabinet, those are the drying equipments used in industrial fields and industrial companies. Drying products are very diverse such as electronic components, electrical system components, machine parts, plastic materials, mica, false eyelashes, paints, circuit boards,…Drying purpose with many effects such as drying water, hardening...

MSD3000-160 industrial dryer, temp 35~160, used for civil and industrial

MSD3000-160 industrial dryer, temp 35~160, used for civil and industrial Msd3000-160 is a model of large high heat dryer, large industrial dryer with a drying chamber volume of nearly 3 m3 which is very suitable for industrial production scale for drying 200~300kg of products depending on type. With a drying temperature of 35~160oC, you can use the machine both in Civil and in Industry because...

MSD2000-160 industrial dryer, temp 35~160, used for civil and industrial

MSD2000-160 industrial dryer, temp 35~160, used for civil and industrial MSD2000-160 industrial dryer has 2 independent drying chambers, so users can only dry 1 in 2 chambers when drying less and can also dry at different temperatures for products in 2 chambers. The drying method is still set in stages and applied to both drying chambers, which is characteristic of high-temperature dryer models. The 2-chamber...

MSD1000-160 industrial dryer, temp 35~160, used for civil and industrial

MSD1000-160 industrial dryer, temp 35~160, used for civil and industrial MSD1000-160 industrial dryer is a midle scale dryer, allowing drying of less than 100kg of common products in civil and industrial. This drying machine has a drying temperature of 35~160oC, suitable for drying variety of products from cereal seeds to industrial material and many components of machine. The drying method can sets up multiple automatic...

MSD500-160 industrial dryer, temp 35~160, used for civil and industrial

MSD500-160 industrial dryer, temp 35~160, used for civil and industrial MSD500-160 industrial dryer is a specialized drying equipment for products that need to be dried at a temperature of 35 – 160oC, typically drying cereal seeds in just 30 – 60 minute, ensure it dried, crispy and instant. The dryer is very suitable for the nuts and industrial products such as plastics, printed circuits, wood,...

MSD200-160 industrial dryer, temp 35~160, used for civil and industrial

MSD200-160 industrial dryer, temp 35~160, used for civil and industrial The MSD200-160 industrial dryer from Mactech Vietnam Technological Joint Stock Corporation is the company’s small drying equipment, that is commonly used for drying about 10 ~ 20kg of material with a temperature range of 35 to 160oC. This drying machine is made to satisfy the demands of drying for many civil and industrial products. It...

MSD100-160 industrial dryer, temp 35~160, used for civil and industrial

MSD100-160 industrial dryer, temp 35~160, used for civil and industrial MSD100-160 industrial dryer is a high-temperature dryer with a temperature range of 35 ~ 160oC, this dryer is the smallest drying machine of Mactech Vietnam Technology Joint Stock Company. The device is manufactured to meet the needs of drying many kinds of products that need to be dried at a temperature range from 100 –...

Mactech industrial dryer, high drying temperature of 100 to 300 degrees

Mactech industrial dryer, high drying temperature of 100 to 300 degrees The industrial dryer is a line of dryers with a high drying temperature range of 35oc to 160oc / 200oc / 300oc, to be suitable for drying cereal seeds, drying industrial materials such as plastic, rubber, paint, mica, silicon, circuit boards, iron and steel, and surface heat treatment… Mactech industrial dryers have many types of machines...

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