High temperature dryer, circulating hot air drying machine, use industrial

The 200 degrees Celsius high temperature dryer, also known as high-temperature cabinet, those are the drying equipments used in industrial fields and industrial companies. Drying products are very diverse such as electronic components, electrical system components, machine parts, plastic materials, mica, false eyelashes, paints, circuit boards,…Drying purpose with many effects such as drying water, hardening texture, surface heat treatment, softening materials…

electronic component dryer, high temperature dryer, drying temp range of 35 - 300 degree

The High temperature dryer, industrial dryer with a wide range of drying temperatures, 35 ~ 300oc, suitable for drying many products, along with a very flexible drying feature such as drying products in many different drying stages with different drying time and temperature parameters for each stage. Therefore, Customers can mass-produce as well as research products to find the most suitable formula.

electronic component dryer, high temperature dryer, drying temp range of 35 - 300 degree

Below is a video of a industrial dryer model that is suitable for small to medium scale production. Customers can choose from the available models on this website or order custom-made dryer with parameters suitable to their usage requirements.


MSD100-200 industrial dryer

The 200oc high-temperature dryer is mainly used in industrial fields, because the industrial components or materials used in industry can need to dry in production, such as silicon, paints, plastics, circuitry, industrial tools, mica, and very many other materials…In this topic, MactechDryer will introduce to customers a MSD100-200oC industrial dryer to choose from.

Msd100-200 high temperature dryer, 35 - 200 degree celsius, used in industry

MSD100-200 Specifications
Dimension (W*L*H) 60*60*120 cm
Drying temperature 35°C ~ 200°C
Input capacity  ≤ 10 kg/batch
Weight of machine  70 kg
Trays  6 pieces (38x30x2cm)
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MSD100-300 industrial dryer


msd100-160 industrial dryer, suitable for drying 10kg

MSD100-300 Specifications
Dimension (W*L*H) 65*65*120 cm
Drying temperature 35°C ~ 300°C
Input capacity  ≤ 10 kg/batch
Weight of machine  80kg
Trays  6 pieces (38x30x2cm)
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MSD200-200 industrial dryer

Customers need to use a 200oc high-temperature dryer with a drying chamber volume of about 100 liters, 200 liters, 500 liters or larger from 1 m3 to 5 m3, Mactech Dryer now offers many models of high-temperature dryers 160oc, 200oc and 300oc for civil and industrial applications. Customers who need the reference information for each product or need to manufacture machines according to their own design, please contact Mactech. In this content we will learn about MSD200-200 high temperature dryer in detail.

Msd200-200 high temperature dryer, 35 - 200 degree celsius, used in industry

MSD200-200 Specifications
Dimension (W*L*H) 80*60*120 cm
Drying temperature 35°C ~ 200°C
Input capacity  ≤ 20 kg/batch
Weight of machine  130 kg
Trays  6 pieces (38x60x2cm)
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MSD200-300 industrial dryer

A small industrial dryer model with a drying chamber volume of about 200 liters (dm3) includes 6 drying trays, tray size 38x60x2cm, drying temperature range of 35 ~ 300oc (degrees Celsius), circulating hot wind in chamber, automatic multi-stage drying control program … can be very suitable for the needs of small-scale industrial companies. This is a specialized drying equipment for industrial products such as electronic components, machine parts, circuit boards, plastic materials, mica, rubber, paint,… Below are detailed information about the MSD200-300 industrial dryer of Mactech.

MSD200-300 industrial dryer, temperature range of 35 - 300 degree, used in industrial fields, drying many material, surface heat treatment

MSD200-300 Specifications
Dimension (W*L*H) 70*80*120 cm
Drying temperature 35°C ~ 300°C
Input capacity  ≤ 20 kg/batch
Weight of machine  150 kg
Trays  6 pieces (38x60x2cm)
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MSD500-200 industrial dryer

This is one of Mactech’s high-temperature dryer models, which is also used a lot today in industrial factories and also used in civil applications for basic products such as the crispy drying of cereal grains. With a drying temperature range up to 200oc is also not too high, so the applications of this machine will be quite popular, in this content we learn about Mactech’s MSD500-200 industrial dryer, and you can make more suitable options when needed.

Msd500-200 high temperature dryer, 35 - 200 degree celsius, used in industry

MSD500-200 Specifications
Dimension (W*L*H) 90*90*150 cm
Drying temperature 35°C ~ 200°C
Input capacity  ≤ 50 kg/batch
Weight of machine  200 kg
Trays  10 pieces (56x63x2cm)
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MSD500-300 industrial dryer

One more model of the 300oc industrial dryer with moderate size, and can meet the needs of industrial companies, product research with a multi-tasking drying process, many features, and automatically multi-stage drying method. Customers can refer to the MSD500-300 industrial dryer or order with the suitable requirements, please contact Mactech directly for quick support.

MSD500-300 industrial dryer, temperature range of 35 - 300 degree, 10 trays

MSD500-300 Specifications
Dimension (W*L*H) 90*95*160 cm
Drying temperature 35°C ~ 300°C
Input capacity  ≤ 50 kg/batch
Weight of machine  200 kg
Trays  10 pieces (56x63x2cm)
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MSD1000-200 industrial dryer

The demand for electronic parts dryers is increasing in industrial fields, so Mactech has provided a lot of industrial dryer models and customized dryers for customers with specific features to make suitable for many requirements in fact. You can learn more on the homepage of this website at the Industrial dryer section to choose the drying machine with the most suitable parameters or order production with your own requirements. In this content is the MSD1000-200 industrial dryer provided to MISAWA company in Hai Duong, previously this company used some models of 200 degrees Celsius with smaller sizes.

Msd1000-200 high temperature dryer, 35 - 200 degree celsius, used in industry

MSD1000-200 Specifications
Dimension (W*L*H) 90*110*190 cm
Drying temperature 35°C ~ 200°C
Input capacity  ≤ 100 kg/batch
Weight of machine  300 kg
Trays  15 pieces
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MSD1000-300 industrial dryer

In addition to the 200oc (degree Celsius) dryer models, Mactech Dryer also provide many 300oc dryer models with different sizes at the homepage of this website, Customers can also order that base on demand with the suitable size and user’s requirements, and add the necessary control features. Let’s learn about parameters of the MSD1000-300 industrial dryer below, temperature range of 35 – 300oc.

MSD1000-300 industrial dryer, temperature range of 35 - 300 degree

MSD1000-300 Specifications
Dimension (W*L*H) 95*115*200 cm
Drying temperature 35°C ~ 300°C
Input capacity  ≤ 100 kg/batch
Weight of machine  350 kg
Trays  15 pieces (56x84x2cm)
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MSD2000-200 industrial dryer

MSD2000-200 industrial dryer with 2 independent controlled drying chambers will help users to dry products with many modes and flexible usage such as using 2 identical chambers, using 2 drying chambers with different parameters or use only 1 of 2 chambers. This dryer is very suitable for use in industrial companies that meet the drying of large quantities of products, high heat drying, heat treatment for materials, drying temperature 35 ~ 200 degrees Celsius, and can dry a variety of products in same time.

Msd2000-200 high temperature dryer, 35 - 200 degree celsius, used in industry

MSD2000-200 Specifications
Dimension (W*L*H) 170*120*200 cm
Drying temperature 35°C ~ 200°C
Input capacity  ≤ 200 kg/batch
Weight of machine  600 kg
Trays  30 pieces
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MSD3000-200 industrial dryer

You need to use a dryer model consisting of 2 drying chambers that can operate independently with different parameters and a drying temperature as high as 200 degrees Celsius for use in both civil and industrial applications. So, please refer to the MSD3000-200 industrial dryer with the ability to dry 200~300kg of materials at a time (a drying batch), the drying temperature range is 35 ~ 200oc, suitable for drying a lot of industrial material and components, for example: rubber, mica, plastic, circuit board, paints, wood, transformer, …

Msd3000-200 high temperature dryer, 35 - 200 degree celsius, used in industry

MSD3000-200 Specifications
Dimension (W*L*H) 180*145*200 cm
Drying temperature 35°C ~ 200°C
Input capacity  ≤ 300 kg/batch
Weight of machine  900 kg
Trays  30 pieces
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