Cereal grains, beans, nuts or cereal flour are sold a lot in supermarkets, we can easily buy these products in the market. According to the statistics of Mactech Dryer, customers buy a lot of small dryers, of which up to 1/3 are used to make many types of instant cereal food such as cereal grains, beans, and nuts or cereal flour for use in home and small business, they need to dry at high temperature up to 160oc … Cereal drying machine also have several types depending on the using purpose of the customer.
I. Some ways to dry cereal grains and nuts
Cereal products usually include 3 main groups of ingredients, grains, beans, and nuts, see more Learn about cereals to understand clearly.
Grains include rice, corn, oat, wheat, millet…Beans include cafe, while lima beans, pinto beans, kidney beans, haricot beans, chick peas, lentils, black-eyed peas and soybeans…Nuts include almonds, hazelnuts, cashews, chestnuts, Brazil nuts, pistachios, walnuts, pecans and macadamia nuts…Cereal products can be used separately or use a variety of nuts and then mixed together, very Convenient, providing adequate nutrients and minerals necessary for the body.
Drying cereal needs to be clearly distinguished as drying for preservation or drying to make the ready-to-eat product (drying at a temperature higher than 100oc). With drying, this step is just basic processing of nuts to ensure the necessary dryness for long-term preservation, while with crispy drying (ready-to-eat product), this step is like roasting nuts in a hot pan in a temperature range from 120oc to 160oc. Therefore, when you think about drying cereals, it is advisable to clearly distinguish them to make it easier to choose the right cereal drying machine.
II. Popular cereal drying machine
Based on the purpose of cereal drying as given above, we can choose one of two common types of cereal dryers today, 1) hot air dryer with temperature range from 35 to 95oc is suitable for dried products such as soft dried fruits, vegetables, dried meats, food… and 2) high heat dryer has a temperature range of 40~160oc suitable for drying to preserve and ready-to-eat products such as cereal grains and nuts, dried meat, macadamia nuts …
Particularly for cereal grain, beans and nuts, using a high-temperature dryer to reduce the roasting stage is very suitable, saving time and effort when making cereal flour. The process of drying cereal grains at a temperature of 100 – 130oC for about 30-60 minutes ensures that the grains, beans and nuts are crispy and evenly cooked. Once the seeds are cooled, they can be milled. See the machines in the high-temperature dryers section.
You can learn about many common cereal drying machine:
MODELs of Industrial Dryer | Input Capacity | Temperature |
MSD100-160 industrial dryer | ≤ 10kg | 35~160oc |
MSD200-160 industrial dryer | ≤ 20kg | 35~160oc |
MSD500-160 industrial dryer | ≤ 50kg | 35~160oc |
MSD1000-160 industrial dryer | ≤ 100kg | 35~160oc |
MSD2000-160 industrial dryer | ≤ 200kg | 35~160oc |
MSD3000-160 industrial dryer | ≤ 300kg | 35~160oc |
The images in this content are all actual images from customers of MactechDryer who are using to dry cereals, the product can be dried for preservation, dried to crispy for instant eating or make powder. With current industrial dryers, manufacturers can set up many drying stages with different temperatures and times, so from drying to preserve to ready-to-eat drying, you only need to set it up once before use. . Specifically, the High Temperature Controller allows users to set from 1 to 6 stages to automatically change the drying temperature, if only drying at one temperature value, select 1 stage, if need to dry at 60 degrees for 5 hours and then dried at 120 degrees for 30 minutes, then we choose 2 drying stages for the machine to automatically perform.
III. The price of cereal drying machine
With the above two types of cereal dryers, the common dryer and the crispy cereal dryer, the cost of each type of machine is also quite different, usually high temperature dryers (specialized for drying to eat) have the cost more than a low-temperature dryer about 30-50% because the materials and equipment in the machine are very different. Therefore, we need to base on actual needs to buy a dryer to suit the level of investment, in order to bring the highest efficiency to the business.
The Above are a few personal opinions to help customers who are looking to buy a cereal drying machine, the more understanding, you can buy dryer the more exact. Please contact Mactech directly for more detailed advice. Thank you for watching the content.