Smoked beef and smoked buffalo products have become specialties and are very popular when drinking beer and drinking alcohol, so the market for this dried meat product is always open to craft production establishments that need expansion investment or new people wanting to enter the profession. Although they are regional specialties, these products still need to ensure important food elements, which are ensuring food hygiene and safety, cleanliness, delicious meat, good preservation, and no chemicals. . Therefore, the way of drying smoked beef and smoked buffalo is always improved to ensure high quality.
Normally we still understand that smoked meat and buffalo meat are products produced by smoking tubers. In the past, that was true, but now the method has been much improved, improving productivity and quality. products, ensuring more food safety and hygiene. Therefore, the way to dry smoked meat is to make smoked meat products but with a specialized dryer. The dryer not only has a quick drying effect, ensures no flies, mosquitoes, or insects, dries at the right temperature, and also has a smoking function when you need the natural flavor of smoked beef products or kitchen buffalo. To dry smoked beef like this, you need to use one of the hot air dryer models, a hot convection dryer with a drying temperature range of 35 ~ 95oC or higher when drying is needed.
Dryer for smoked meat, bacon, You can choose 1 of 2 groups of dryers, which are multi-purpose dryers and high temperature dryers. Depending on the product you need to work with, choose a dryer with the appropriate drying temperature. If you only need the drying function such as dried beef pieces, spicy shredded beef, dried chicken, dried fish, smoked dried meat… then choose a low heat dryer, below 100oC. If the dried meat product needs an additional drying step to be ready to eat, it needs to be dried at a high temperature of 120 ~ 150oC, so you need to choose a high-temperature dryer group.
The image above is a dryer for smoked meat installed in Yen Thanh, Nghe An, this is a high temperature dryer MSD2000-160 that uses 2 trolleys and uses a 6-sensor temperature controller to ensure heat. The temperature of the inlet and outlet air is uniform and stable, without overheating in any location of the drying chamber. With a 2-chamber dryer, you can set up many drying modes such as running 2 identical chambers, 2 different chambers, running 1 chamber, running multiple drying stages at different temperatures and times…
Depending on the dried meat product, you can vary the way of drying smoked beef and bacon so that it is effective, safe, hygienic, and of good quality. To get advice on a suitable dryer, please contact Mactechdryer directly via the Hotline on this website. Thank you for understanding the shared content.