Granola cereal product is a type of cereal product made from today’s popular cereal grains combined with honey ingredients to create a new, more delicious, eye-catching and also bring more effects. In this topic, we will learn about granola cereal dryers suitable for small and medium business production.

This is one of the new products produced from cereals, bean, nuts and is growing strongly today, this product is not difficult to make, so You can apply and deploy quickly, the difficult thing is how to do business. When you have a wide network of friends, many acquaintances, and a wide exchange, you can easily sell when there is a suitable advertising channel, and at the same time build more long-term advertising channels. However, this product is easy to make, so more people will jump into this field very quickly, so you need to have the right business direction.
Granola cereal dryer is actually a common grain dryer with 2 functions: drying to preserve (at low temperature) and crispy ripening drying of nuts, temperature of that dryer is 35 – 160oC, meeting the drying of common nuts. Currently, Mactech provides many grain dryers with different sizes from drying for 10kg, 20kg, 50kg to 200kg of raw materials, so customers can easily choose the right dryer for their desired needs.

The basic way to make granola products will be a mixture of many nuts, beans, grains with some soft dried fruits such as dried grapes, dried red apples, dried mango and mixed with a thin layer of honey. The ingredients used from nuts will be in 2 cases, first case is that it has been dried to crispy and ripen, then mixed with honey and then dried at a low temperature of 50~70oC to ensure the product is dry, second case is to use unripe, crispy seeds, mixed with honey and then dried at high temperature of 130~150oC for a short time about 20-30 minutes. Both methods give basically the same quality, but to make granola has the long-term brittleness, method 1 will be better.
To choose a Granola cereal dryer with the right size and function, please see the models in the High-temperature dryer section to choose, you should note that drying the ripe cereals is only 30-60 minutes for a batch, so every day we can dry 5-10 times or more depending on the capacity of each facility. So you should calculate the working time and drying frequency to choose the machine.
So with the above basic information, the Readers have understood about the materials, drying methods and many types of dryers for Granola cereal today. Customers need more detailed advice on the suitable dryer, please contact Mactech for the appropriate information to be provided by the company, thank you for understanding the shared content.