INLASH COMPANY, produce false eyelashes, uses 2msd500-160

The images in this content are provided from the factory of INLASH Company in Daklak, which specializes in manufacturing false eyelashes and is currently using 2 dryer with models MSD500-160 from Mactech. Customers can Refer to this unit to see how to dry false eyelashes.

INLASH COMPANY, produce false eyelashes, uses 2msd500-160

The Images sent from the Customer’s company using Mactech dryers are generally limited as they are private and the documents belong to the Customer. Therefore, these actual images will only be in small quantities. Customers who need to refer to a specific dryer or test dry the product can go directly to Mactech and try drying the product to easily choose the suitable dryer. INLASH Company is one of the typical customers currently using an eyelash dryer with model MSD500-160 industrial dryer, drying chamber volume of 500 liters including 10 drying trays with size 56x63cm.

To suit drying false eyelashes and wigs, the commonly used drying temperature range is 40 ~ 160oC, in some cases customers may need up to 200oC. In the summary of high temperature dryers on this website, Customers can choose or refer to suitable dryer models with a diverse range of drying temperatures, up to 300oC if needed.

INLASH COMPANY, produce false eyelashes, uses 2msd500-160

The image above is a false eyelash product from INLASH company being prepared to be put into the dryer with appropriate shaping. Eyelashes are wrapped around stainless steel tubes with a suitable diameter for the curvature of the eyelashes, covered with a layer of specialized paper, suitable drying temperature is 120 ~ 140oC depending on the type of material. Users can set drying at a fixed temperature level or drying through many different stages with different temperatures and drying times, so usage will be very flexible with many products.

The False eyelash products will be dried as shown in the image above, Using a perforated flat stainless steel drying tray will be very suitable, easy to operate and easy to clean when necessary. With wig products like vikomi company or Parker company, you should use the type of Flat tray without holes to ensure the hair is smooth and flat. For small dryers, you only need to use the drying tray that comes with the machine. For large dryers, you can use a trolley for convenience and efficiency.

So with the above basic information, Readers know more about Mactech’s customers drying false eyelashes and know the suitable dryer. Customers who need more detailed advice on drying products, please contact Mactech Vietnam for more information. Thank you for learning the shared content.

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