Why You need to understand the difference between Drying to presverse and Drying to eat, because understanding different drying methods will help you understand the right dryer to use. Many Readers do not understand exactly what they need to do, so it can lead to buying a dryer that is too large to use, costly, like buying a large car just to go in the small city, after a time you will realize that is a waste of money. Therefore, in this content, the author will analyze this topic for Readers to understand clearly.

Drying to preserve and drying to eat or dried and cooked are two different states of the same product, just like rice grains and cooked rice, or dried peanuts (dry at 60oc ) and crispy dried peanuts (dry at 130oc), dried meat (not able to eat) and cooked meat ( able to eat)…that’s two different states of the same product. The author gives such as an example that You already understand the difference between drying simply and drying to eat on the same product. When you just need to dry common products, but sometime you need to dry at a high temperature range up to 160 degrees Celsius, therefore you want to buy the high temperature dryer, but in fact you will rarely use it, so it will waste a large amount of money.
In essence, drying is a process to remove the water component in the product with the requirements such as keeping the natural properties such as shape, color, taste, texture, nutrients, taking away only the water component. Of course, drying will more or less affect the texture of the product such as shrinkage, size reduction, color reduction, but not ripening and does not change the nutrition in vegetables, fruits, fish, meat, etc. .It is desirable, but in fact when drying requires heat, but the higher the heat, the faster the water evaporates, which will affect the color and nutrition. Therefore, it is necessary to dry at low temperature to help the product retain as much of its natural properties as possible. For proper drying, you should choose a Hot air dryer with a drying temperature of 35 ~ 95oc which is the most suitable for vegetables, fruits, meat…

Drying to preserve and drying to eat are different in the state of the product, dried cereal is not edible (with products that must be cooked to eat), and drying to eat (more than 100oC ) is edible like instant cereals. With fruits, the natural property of the ripe fruits is edible, so in fact, it is only necessary to dry it to produce soft dried fruit, detox fruit tea or dry crispy fruit. For dried beef, dried chicken, and instant dried meat, the drying process only needs to be dried at a temperature of 50-70oC because it was previously cooked with many type of spices. Drying to eat with cereal is using a temperature of 100~160oC to ripen the product, so you need to choose a industrial dryer group to use. Of course, the ripen dryer will meet the normal drying process at low temperatures, and ripening products at high temperature, so you only need to use one type of machine.
So you have a good understanding of drying to preserve and drying to eat will can choose the right drying machine. Customers need many advice on drying more products, please contact Mactech via Hotline for effective information, thank you for understanding the shared content.