Musashi Paint Company, paint manufacturing, uses MSD500-250

Musashi Paint is a Japanese company specializing in the production of paints used on materials such as plastic, steel and other materials. Readers can visit the company’s main website to learn more, In Vietnam, Musashi paint company has its main production factory in Bien Hoa, Dong Nai and has a new factory in Bac Giang province. Mactech has provided some suitable high temperature dryers for Musashi and Customers can refer to the actual product to understand more.

Customers can refer to Musashi Paint company currently using Mactech's 250 degree Celsius dryer to understand the specific drying products.

The image above is the Facebook page of Musashi paint company in Vietnam, the link is Readers can visit this company’s fb page to learn about specific products. Producing paint-related products always requires heat treatment steps, the commonly used temperature range is 100~300oC depending on the type of material and usage requirements. Musashi paint company is currently using 3 machines that is MSD500-250 industrial dryer from Mactechdryer with a wide drying temperature range of 40~250oC ensures high accuracy and stable control of parameters.

Customers can refer to Musashi Paint company currently using Mactech's 250 degree Celsius dryer to understand the specific drying products.

High temperature dryer / industrial dryer/ with very well heat insulated shell, inside 250 degrees, the outside surface is only < 35 degrees, so it is very safe for users and saves operating costs of the dryer. In addition, the feature of automatically drying products through many stages of drying at different temperatures for different drying times will help users conveniently dry or heat treatment of complex products to meet the high standards of production.

Customers can refer to Musashi Paint company currently using Mactech's 250 degree Celsius dryer to understand the specific drying products.

MactechDryer currently provides many types of dryers to meet many different applications in civil and industrial production, so what products do Customers need to dry, what are the different requirements? fruits, crispy products or surface heat treatment… please contact Mactech Vietnam directly or look at this website’s home page to see an overview of available dryers.

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