You want to do small production with material ingredients from cereal grains, nutritious seeds to create instant products such as granola, instant cereal, cereal soaked in honey, cereal powder… and You need to refer to suitable drying equipment, so let’s learn about Duc Tri nutrition cereal facility in Bu Dang, Binh Phuoc province, a small customer of Mactech.

The above information is the production facility of this unit and you can find out specifically at to see how this production facility is doing business and this is also important information for newly developed small facility to refer to on how to operate. This facility currently uses many types of dryers and rotary roasters, however the current trend is to use specialized cereal grain dryers to ensure proper drying temperature and dry more types of nuts instead of just roasting certain types of nuts.

With a granola dryer like this, you can dry 10kg of product at a times, drying time is 30-60 minutes depending on the amount of granola, It will be very suitable for small production facilities, personal use, drying for personal use and small-scale businesses. The image above shows crispy and fragrant drying of nuts such as granola, cashews, almonds, etc. You can dry many other types of nuts when you set the appropriate drying mode.
For those who want to start a business in this fields, producing many type of products from cereals, nuts, grain, using a specialized dryer will bring high efficiency, continuous drying all day, and be automatically controlled and can be dried in many stages, so it will be very convenient for users to operate. You need to learn about larger dryer models, The industrial dryer section /high temperature dryer will provide you with machines that suit your needs.
Above are a few small videos of Duc Tri nutrition cereal facility. The videos were collected by the author to help Readers learn more conveniently. If you want to watch the original videos, see the facebook link above. Nowadays, with strongly developed technology platforms, it is very easy for individuals to participate in the large business market with platforms such as facebook, tiktok, youtube, website… you just need to study hard and follow others (see Reference section) and doing it well will achieve the basic foundations, from which you can develop stronger. Many people want to do this or that but don’t get there, don’t persevere, so most people just stop at the first stage, not reaching enough customers to develop.
So through the above analysis, Readers have learned more about a small cereal production facility to learn from, which is Duc Tri Nutrition cereal Facility in Bu Dang, Binh Phuoc province. Customers who need advice on drying specific products, please contact Mactech Vietnam directly via the Hotline on this website. Thank you for learning the shared content.