You need to produce the cereal grain products in large quantities of hundreds of kilograms of raw materials for each drying batch, please refer to the TS Nut cereal grain facility in Hanoi City. This is a facility that provides private cereals brand and is also a wholesale place so you can create cereal products with different brands, We will learn more about it together below.
You can easily learn about TS Nut cereal products on Facebook because currently cereal products are mainly traded (advertise) on Facebook and tiktok. This is not a priority product for building a sales website, so when you want to do business or search for cereal grain products, you should choose the two social platforms above. Consumption trends of young people, women… in cereal grain production and business are very suitable for people who like to do small businesses on social platforms, women who have free time, and do business in small areas…so anyone can participate in the business of this product, easy to sell, easy to eat, and good for health.
Link FB:
If you want to produce your own crispy cereal grains to create the product you want and also to reduce input costs over a long period of time, use a specialized cereal grain dryer to ensure both drying for preservation and crispy drying for eating of all kinds of seeds/nuts from pumpkin seeds, sunflower seeds, sesame seeds, peanuts, beans to macadamia nuts, walnuts, almonds, cashews… Mactech Dryer currently offers many types of dryers suitable for Customer’s production scale.
TS Nut cereal grain production facility is currently using Mactech’s high temperature dryer with model MSD3000-160 industrial dryer, which means each batch can dry up to 300kg and the maximum drying temperature is up to 160oC, 2-chamber dryer with independent drying characteristics, meaning you can dry with 2 drying chambers with the same parameters, dry with different temperature and time parameters, or only use 1 of the 2 drying chambers when drying few products, then production costs will be saved in each specific case.
So you have an additional address for cereal grain production to refer to on how to produce, what type of machine is suitable for use and know where they sell this product. Through here, if you need advice on drying a specific product, please contact Mactech Vietnam directly via the Hotline on this website. Thank you for referring to the shared content.