To help new producers and businesses dream of building a career from locally available raw materials, Mactech has tried to find effective production and business models from our Customers so that everyone can refer, learn and do follow. In this content we will learn more about a facility that makes money from fruit, vegetable…which is Ba Ba Garden dried fruits.
Soft dried fruit is a popular product, easy to produce, low cost, low investment, easy to do business in small and medium markets. Therefore, this is a product that is easily accessible to people everywhere, As long as there is a suitable source of fruit and a reasonable price, it can be applied in practice to create a good source of income for individuals and families and can develop strongly into a company when there is a suitable development plan, like Vuon Ba Ba company in this content…
In the southern region of Viet Nam with an extremely large fruit growing area, the source of raw materials is very abundant and reasonably priced, so we just need to have a good direction for developing dried products to be able to create an effective business model. The combination of traditional business and business on technology platforms will make reaching customers easier and faster. This is the current and future trend, so there are advantages and disadvantages, especially for those who come after wanting to do the same as other units.
Ba Ba garden dried fruits production facility is currently using many Mactech hot air dryers as shown in these images, so if you want to do the same, it is easy to apply.
The image above is a small corner of Ba Ba Vuon Company’s factory, the area where the product dryer is placed and operated during the drying process. To produce soft dried fruits, this unit has used many circulating hot dryers and cold dryers to be able to meet a variety of products.
For ripe fruits, hot drying and cold drying only meet the requirements for soft dried fruit. This is also a high quality dried fruit product, naturally sweet and fragrant, much better than the fried products that We still buy and use with reasonable prices. Consumers need to clearly understand how to produce to distinguish between drying and frying for fruits to choose good quality products, snack every day, ensure long-term health, and avoid eating a lot of fried foods.
For common fruits such as mango, jackfruit, pineapple, dragon fruit, banana, … to be dried and packaged for sale to the market, to maintain beautiful color, drying at a low temperature of 40~60oC is appropriate, like the products above and in the Reference section in this website will provide you with additional appropriate information.
So through the information introduced above, Readers have learned more about Vuon Ba Ba dried fruit products so they can buy and use or learn from a small and medium production model like this. Through this, Customers who need advice on drying more products, please contact Mactech Vietnam via Hotline to be provided with effective information. Thank you for learning the shared content.