Lim vegetable powder, refer to the dryer used for vegetables

You already know about Lim vegetable powder and also want to learn about the types of dryers being used to make similar vegetable powder, so please refer to the information shared in this content to understand the Lim production Facility as well as understanding about the dryer supplier – Mactech.

Lim vegetable powder, refer to the dryer used for vegetables

The Vegetable powders are divided into two product groups: herbal vegetable powders and food vegetable powders. The herbal vegetable powder group is the most popular because it is used in the field of aesthetics, beauty, and body care such as weight loss drinks, blood pressure stabilization, face powder… The food vegetable powder group is used for food such as cooking porridge, making soup, mixing with bread, making food coloring powder… Lim vegetable powder is a group of herbal vegetable powders including several main types such as fish lettuce, pennywort, spinach, moringa, rice germ powder, perilla powder, celery powder…

Lim vegetable powder, refer to the dryer used for vegetables

The Herbal vegetable powders are all thin-leaf vegetables such as celery, fish lettuce, moringa, spinach, pennywort…so to dry and grind these vegetables into powder is not complicated, You just need to use a Hot air dryer with a drying temperature of 40 ~ 60oC for vegetables. However, heat drying method often reduces the natural color, so when you have higher requirements, use a heat pump dryer to drying at low temperature, 20~ 40oc. Lim vegetable powder production facility is currently using both groups of drying equipment to meet many different production requirements.

Lim vegetable powder, refer to the dryer used for vegetables

You can learn more about the Lim production facility at the Website with a lot of information about popular products on the market. If you also have a source of high quality herbal vegetables, you can also follow this model. Of course, whether or not you can sell products depends on the business. Starting a production and business is not easy. Currently, there are many instructions and opportunities so anyone can participate to find opportunities.

Lim vegetable powder, refer to the dryer used for vegetables

The image above is a Mactech dryer used to produce Lim vegetable powder with different requirements. Thin leaf vegetables to make powder need high crispness and beautiful color. You should use a heat pump dryer to get better quality. For the production of dried vegetables for food such as drying carrots, drying cabbage, drying kohlrabi… to make Stir-fried meat dishes with dried vegetables, using heat drying will be very effective, fast drying, and low cost.

That is some information for you to refer to when you need to produce vegetable powder or dry vegetables for food. If you need more specific and quick advice, please contact Mactech Vietnam directly via Hotline, thank you for understanding the shared content.

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