This is a Customer of Mactech and has an address in Hue city, specializing in the production of products in the food and beverage fields, typically ginger jam of all kinds and some high-end lotus teas. If you need to learn about some actual drying production facilities to know which drying equipment you need to choose effectively, learn about Moc Truly Hue company with full information on the website as well as like facebook or youtube.
The images posted on this website only provide a basic description of the drying product and the dryer for that product, so if you need to learn more about Moc Truly Hue Company, please access the online marketing channels directly that we have provided as above. In the future, if you also need support in advertising products on Mactech’s website system, we are always ready when we have appropriate product information and images.
Moc Truly Hue Company is currently using several types of Mactech dryers, including convection hot and heat pump dryers, to produce products that require different drying parameters, This is the dryer used in these pictures. Most jams such as ginger jam, coconut jam, pineapple jam, grapefruit jam, fruit jam… only need convection drying at low temperatures, 40~60oC, for 4-8 hours depending on the type of jam. Therefore, you should pay a lot of attention to the hot air dryer group, the drying temperature range is 35 ~ 95oC, so you will be able to dry many types of products, with a variety of drying, both soft drying and crispy drying of products.
Moc Truly HueCompany currently develops marketing on both traditional and online channels, so the market is always large for development, easy to reach customers in many age groups, from young people to the elderly. If you need a model to develop your production and business, please refer to Moc Truly Hue with easy-to-produce products derived from herbs and very popular things in Vietnam. You can choose the common method of drying ginger jam, or choose the method of producing high-end products to create special products on the market. Many small and medium-sized production facilities today have chosen modern production methods to create high-end products such as lotus marinated tea, yellow flower tea, cordyceps mushrooms…
These brief descriptions are only for the purpose of introducing readers to basic information about Mactech’s customers. If you need to learn more about them, please visit the sales channels directly. Through this, customers who need advice on drying various types of products, please contact Mactech Vietnam directly via Hotline, thank you for understanding the shared content.