A snake drying facility in Vinh Son, Vinh Tuong, Vinh Phuc Province, Vietnam, is currently using a 300kg dryer model from MactechDryer to specialize in drying whole snakes. You can refer to this to understand the snake dryer that you need to use. Below are some pictures of dryers at the factory of this private unit. Dried snakes are mainly exported to the Chinese market.
If You need to learn about the whole snake dryers to use, then You certainly know a lot about this type of dried product. Basically, dried snake products will be dried similarly to the dried meat, dried beef, and dried buffalo for large-sized products. The drying temperature for a whole (gutted) snake curled up as shown in the picture is usually 50 ~ 70oC, which is appropriate. The drying time depends on the thickness of the product, as shown in the picture, it is usually 15 – 20 hours.
After being gutted, the snake will be rolled up and placed evenly on the drying tray like the image above. The photo taken by the person using the dryer is not clear, so it’s difficult to see the product on the tray clearly, but we can still see it relatively well. Depending on the size of the snake, the appropriate number of drying trays is used to ensure ventilation for the product to dry quickly. Forced circulation of hot wind in the drying chamber will ensure the product dries evenly, reaching the required dryness in a short drying time.
The image above is the MSD3000 hot air dryer model with the ability to dry 200 – 300kg of materials depending on the different weight characteristics of each product. The drying temperature range of the dried snake dryer only needs to be used from 35oC to 95oC. The way to dry meats such as dried beef, dried chicken, dried fish, dried pork, dried buffalo… just need the same drying temperature. You can choose from Mactech’s multi-function dryer group to have more dryer models suitable for practical use.
The common type of snake dryer is like that, forced circulation heating. If you need more drying function to dry meat or dry cereals so it can be eaten immediately, then choose a high-temperature dryer with a drying temperature range of 35 ~ 160oC to meet the requirements. For example, Chung Tai Food Company, which specializes in drying buffalo meat, is also currently using this line of high-heat dryers. You can refer to it to understand more.
Customers need to refer to some types of dryers for dried snakes, dried meat, or drying many other products, so please contact Mactech directly via the Hotline on this website so we can provide effective information. Thank you for learning the shared content.