Currently, with the strong development of science and technology, startups, and small companies with high technical ability…have made it easier for domestic producers to access high science and technology to be able to apply in production today. When you specialize in making soft jams such as apple jam, pumpkin jam, and ginger jam,… let’s use the dryer analyzed in this content, specifically the apple jam dryer.

Vietnamese apples also have many types according to regions, sour apples, sweet apples,…we don’t know all the names of apples. Among these apples, the small and sour apples, when ripe, turn yellow with many brown spots, are often used to make apple jam. This is also a very popular snack product for office workers, similar to apricot jams, and plums, so it depends on the source of the ingredients that you choose to produce. In the previous content, the author analyzed how to dry apple jam, soaked in sugar, boil down, and then dried at what temperature is appropriate.
When ripe, apples are characterized by a lot of water (the ripe apple has much water), so soaking sugar right away will not be suitable. You should dry it in the sun for a few days or use a drying machine, to let the apples wilt and dry out, then put them in sugar. How to boil apples with sugar to ensure that the sugar is evenly absorbed in the apple, we also have a lot of information to share on google, the most important poit is you need to choose the right type of dryer for apple jam and other jams to be able to diversified production for jam products, soft dried fruit, dried meat…
Currently, the production facilities of apple jam, ginger jam, pumpkin jam, fruit peel jam… the most used dryer is hot air dryer with a wide range of drying temperatures from 35 to 100oC. Currently, this is the most common drying machine, suitable for you to dry bamboo shoots, dried beef, dried squid, dried fish, soft dried fruits, dried vegetables to make powder, dried starchs and soft jam… If you are looking for a dryer for apple jam or drying common types of jam, any product has sugar in it, you need to dry it, and products soaked in sugar or sugar will be dried with hot drying machine to produce soft dried products. Therefore, we can combine to make many products such as dried bananas, soft dried jackfruit, soft dried apples, soft dried pineapples, … to increase efficiency of production.
So, with the above basic analysis, readers know how to choose a soft apple jam dryer. Through this content, customers need advice on drying a variety of products as required, please contact Mactech directly via the Hotline on this website, thank you for learning the shared content.