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Muong Cada Company, dry bamboo shoots, uses MSD1000 dryer
Small cereal grain dryer, suitable for drying about 10 – 20kg
Chrysanthemum drying facility, Hoa Thien Phu Cooperative
MSD3000-160 industrial dryer, temp 35~160, used for civil and industrial
MSL5000 heat pump dryer, drying about 500kg fruit, vegetable, herb, nut
The 3 sensors Component dryer, 35~ 160 degrees C, MSD1500-160XD
Drying to preserve and drying to eat, how to distinguish
Wasafa dried fruit, soft dried fruit, learn the right way to dry
Drying process for Herb, learn about drying parameter in accordance
MSL2000 heat pump dryer, drying about 200kg fruit, vegetable, herb, nut