MST100 Freeze drying machine, suitable for drying 10kg

MST100 Freeze drying machine, suitable for drying 10kg You need to dry less than 10kg of many products such as fruit, food or medicinal herbs, and probiotics… with drying characteristics that keep the shape, natural color, and nutrition … let’s think about the MST100 Freeze drying machine of Mactech, that suitable for small and medium scale production. Freeze dryers always provide dried products...

Home drying machine, use at home, meet drying many products

Home drying machine, use at home, meet drying many products Life is modern more and more, so high-end drying machines are often used in industrial production, now there are small-quality drying machines used at home to help you dry your favorite products such as Crispy dried fruits, high-quality dried fish and meat, and dried vegetables. In this content, we will learn about home drying machines...

MST30GD Freeze Drying Machine, suitable for drying about 3kg

MST30GD Freeze Drying Machine, suitable for drying about 3kg Mactech’s MST30GD freeze drying Machine model has a similar design with other large freeze dryers, used for drying small quantities with diverse drying needs in practice. Specifically, personal use, family use, laboratory, research, and business products are more personal, in this context, we will learn about the parameters of this drying machine. MODEL Input Capacity...

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